Games Day
Drop in and enjoy our selection of table top games.
Bring a craft project you are working on, enjoy some social time. Adult colouring books available. Or just come to visit.
Charcoal Drawing Workshop
Nomi Drory leads us through another exploration of charcoal art, learning about dark and light tones. Sign up at the Library
PD Day Snow Science for kids
Join us on the school PD day to explore Snow Science at the library! Different activities for kids of all ages. Don't forget to bring your snow gear!
Toddler Time Fridays
Join us with your little ones for an afternoon of reading, colouring, and free play.
Art Therapy Night- Neurographic Art
Using black markers and water colour paints to create abstract art, while listening to calming music. Open to all ages. Come on your own, or bring the family! Sign up at the Library.
Bring In The Light, Art Workshop
Join us for another Art Workshop with Nomi Drory, exploring the elements of light. Call the Library or pop in to sign up!
March Break Activities 2025
Join us at the library this March Break! We are taking a trip around the world and having different activities each day! There will be a craft, books to read, and some outdoor play (weather permitting).